This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

Merida to Alcuescar, 24th October

Roman aqueduct, leaving Merida.

Passing through Aljucen.

Emergency rations, condensed milk.

Michael, Klaus and Alejandro as we approach the monastery
in Alcuescar.

Left the alburgue in Merida with a Spanish cycle tourist and we walked for a while to find our way out of town in the twilight. Took a while to escape the suburbs and in no time I was at the Embalsa de Proserpina which is the lake that supplied Roman Merida with water via the aqueduct that still remains.

Along the way met up again with Klaus, Alejandro and Michael with whom I would walk for the next few days.

Klaus is the retired mayor of Hamburg and a real character. He carries a heavy 13kg pack with binoculars (unused) a half kilo dictionary and a guide to Madrid (just in case). Now, for the non walkers among you, travelling light is extremely important and most aim for a weight of less than 10kg. So I have great respect for this man of 64 who can walk 40-50km every day with the pace set by Alejandro, late twenties and an extremely fit professional Spanish cyclist.

Michael is from a mountain village in Austria and his work situation allows him to have several months in which to walk and climb.

Alejandro, a young Spaniard, by far the fittest and always at the front setting the pace.

Met up again with another 3 walkers - Ellamiel from Spain, Alfonso from Holland and Werner from Germany, and we all piled in to the Monastery at Alcuescar for great food, hospitality and accommodation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks hot and dry out there. I'm glad you've found good company. It is minus 1 and frosty here this morning! So no shorts for me today.... Perhaps the wasps will die on their own accord. Keep the blogs coming. Rachel x