Agave Mexicana in flower near Guillena
Shadow and a prickly pear cactus on my head.
On the way.
View over Castilblanco from the alburgue's roof terrace.
I left Guillena at 8.45 and after getting slightly lost I found a flecha amarillo which guided me through a dirty part of town and down to the river where I crossed a causeway, said hello to some ponies and got on to the Camino into the countryside. I met many mountain bikers and walkers, many from Sevilla, doing part of the walk to Castilblanco. At hte end of the days walk they congregated in Castilblanco and quite a few of them were very interested in the alburgue for some reason. So I gave them a guided tour of our 1 dormitary, terrace and toilets?
It's a decent little town - not too big or too small, plenty of bars and places to eat. Met Svetlana who started the Camino at the same time as me and "Ovi" the poet who is walking around Spain constantly, selling his poems and living very frugally.
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