Leaving town.
Sand trees sky sun heat and silence.
A beautiful hot, dry valley full of the scent of aromatic plants.
A walk with a sting in the tail......
.....a long, hot, steep stony walk to the top of this hill
overlooking Almaden and a bed for the night.
This mornings sunrise from the alburgue terrace was something special. The town was silent but for the sound of crowing cockerels and dogs "in conversation".
It didn't take long for the sun to creep over the horizon and gently cook us for the rest of the day. The first 16kms were on tarmac and I walked at quite a pace to get this section over with. Then it was through a large set of gates and into the national park for some peaceful walking. The camino drops down into a river valley. There was barely a breath of wind and it really was wonderfully hot. Vultures and eagles circled overhead looking to feed on a weary pilgrim. I love the heat and the silence.
During lunch I was overtaken by Maria, a Spanish woman in her 60's who runs marathons. With a tiny backpack she walks faster than any of us! In trainers too.
The hill at the end of the day was cruel. Stony and steep but at least there were a few trees on the way up to shelter from the sun. The view from the top was worth it and I spent 5 minutes or so drinking water safe in the knowledge that the town of Almaden was only 5 minutes away.
On the way down to town I met up with Maria, Svetlana and a Spanish couple who kindly guided us to the alburgue. Another place I would recommend.
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