This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

Sprain stops play! 29th October

Ankle probs end walk. Now on beach in Malaga. Will fill in gaps later. Mob. blog 3.30pm Friday

In addition to the above mobile blog:

The journey from Caceres to Malaga went according to plan.
I was up at 4am.
The diamond hospitalera got a taxi for me at about 4.30 and I was on the coach bound for Sevilla at 5.30am. We stopped somewhere near Zafra for a half hour breakfast( I think some people had been on the coach all night) and we were in Sevilla at about 9am. The train for Malaga left Sevilla at about midday and I was on the beach in Malaga in the late afternoon. What a transition!

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