This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

7 Nov 2011 - Off to The Camino tomorrow!

I've finally packed and managed to get my pack weight down to 6 kilos, having taken the plunge and invested in lightweight gear. I'm expecting extremes of weather and have packed accordingly. Having walked in Galicia at Christmas when it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt you just never know. I'll land in Biarritz at tomorrow evening and get a cab to St. Jean Pied de Port, in the Pyrenees, from where I'll start walking on Wednesday morning, unless I decide to to look around St. Jean for the day.


ksam said...

Osprey bag!! I've got a much larger one! It took discipline to not use all the space!! Here's to good weather and a wonderful journey. Buen Camino, Karin

Rachel Eveling said...

Yes all the best for good weather Andrew. I'm so glad you enjoyed the cake. It certainly wouldn't have made it to another country in my rucksack! Let me know when you'll be back and I'll put the kettle on and get rid of the party! Rachel xx