This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

29th March. Nearly consumed by a quivering bog!!

A quivering bog is a stinking pool of unknown depth covered with a 'skin' of moss and grass, a little like the skin on a rice pudding.
So, I was walking along quite happily when I had a 'I've just entered a minefield' experience, swore loudly and retreated quickly. Upon regaining composure I gingerly walked back onto the bog and moved  my legs to make the whole of the area 'quiver', and it really does wobble like a water bed! This photo looks rather innocuous. I pushed one walking pole into the 'skin' and the other one right through it. It didn't get to the bottom!! It's like something out of an old Tarzan film or Hound of the Baskervilles. Hmmm.... Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived (and is buried) near here.

Foam ripples in the stream.


Bomb crater pond.

Half the ponies were laying down. Is it the weather?

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