This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

7th April 2011

I'm planning to walk a Marathon (26 miles) on Saturday so I did a walk just to make sure I'm in shape for it. I'll be starting in the dark and will take a water filter so that I don't have to carry a huge weight of water with me. The temperature is very warm for this time of year (21 C) so dehydration will be a problem. I'll  use fizzy mineral tablets to flavour the water and to prevent cramp through mineral loss (magnesium and sodium).

I'm never sure if these are Roe Deer or Fallow Deer.

Another bomb hole pond. This willow is growing in about 2 metres
of water and is just starting to flower - a very resilient tree.

With high temperatures and no wind the whole area smells of
Coconut, the scent from the yellow Gorse flowers.

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