This is a photogaphic blog with a particular focus on walking the Spanish Caminos. Also included are walks in The New Forest, Wales and Southern England.

25th march 2012 - Sunrise

Sunrise is at 6 so I set my alarm for 5 to allow time to drive to the start of today's walk. But the clocks changed to BST last night and my iphone changed the time while I slept so when the alarm went off at 5 it was still 4AM according to my body clock and 2 hours to sunrise!! I didn't notice this until it was too late to go back to bed. It was worth the loss of sleep though...

18th March 2012 - A weekend in Glastonbury

Part of the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey

The Abbot's Kitchen

One of several fireplaces in the Kitchen.

The Chalice Well
Glastonbury Tor

The distant Tor.

1-3-2012. An evening walk in the New Forest.

After these guys had gone there was barely a sound as the Sun went down. Beautiful.

1-3-2012. Back to the Via de la Plata in 4 weeks. Sevilla to Merida.

This will be my third time walking on the Via de la Plata from Sevilla. We (Rachel and I) arrive from Stanstead in the evening of Saturday 31st March and start walking the next morning. This will be my first visit in Spring and I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in the landscape although apparently the Winter has been the driest on record. Here are a few pictures I took in November 2008. The first one shows Rocket and Mustard in an Olive grove having a late flowering.

Approaching Torremegia.

1 hour after leaving Merida.
Between Aljucen and Alcuescar.